Squishy Turtle


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This 3d printed turtle uses the same flex concept from my Mini Monster Truck to create legs that allow the toy to bounce and scurry around when tapped. The head can also retract into the shell.

Check out my process for designing this thing here.

To see makes, comments, and remixes, visit the thingiverse page.

included files:

  • Bottom.STL

  • HClip.STL

  • Head.STL

  • Head9.STL

  • Head85.STL

  • Head95.STL

  • Line_Top.STL

  • Lopoly_Top.STL

  • Original_Top.STL

  • Plain_Shell.STL

  • Spikey_Top.STL

  • Spikey_Top_2.STL

  • Spiral_Top.STL


squishy turtle 3d print toy shell options exploded

total print time:

4 hours


This design will probably not work with a brim unless you spend time sanding and cleaning up the edges at the base of the print. This will stick the springs together and make the center channel for the head narrower. Using a raft might also affect this.

If you are having trouble with the head sliding, I have uploaded 3 head files with the stem portion scaled to be narrower:
Head95.stl - 95% original width
Head9.stl - 90% original width
Head85.stl - 85% original width

model updates:

A few people had issues with the head piece being too tight. The head.stl files with 95, 9, and 85 in the title are alternatives where the neck is narrowed to that percentage compared to the original. Use one of these alternatives if you have sliding issues with the head.